
Friday, March 9, 2018

CNN 10 | CNN Student News March 9 2018

On this Friday's show, you'll hear about new import tariffs announced by the U.S. government, including why they're controversial and when they'll take effect. We're exploring Jupiter with a NASA spacecraft and explaining daylight-saving time with a CNN meteorologist. And we're examining the challenges of making fake currency the legal way.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A well-known side effect of Fridays, they call it serious cases of awesome! 

Welcome to CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz.

Last month, we reported on how the Trump administration was considering putting new tariffs or taxes on steel and aluminum that comes from other 

countries. Yesterday, President Donald Trump announced he was officially putting those tariffs into place. When they take effect, it will cost 25 

percent more to bring steel into the U.S. from other countries and 10 percent more to import aluminum. 

But the taxes won`t apply to every nation. Canada and Mexico will exceptions as the U.S. renegotiates an existing trade agreement with them. 

And other countries around the world can request exemptions to the tariffs as well. 

The president says a strong steel and aluminum industry is vital to U.S. national security, that the tariffs fulfill his campaign promise to protect 

American workers and that they`re intended to encourage companies to buy American made steel and aluminum.

Two American middle companies announced that they plan to hire 800 workers because of the tariffs. But critics say the tariffs could wind up costing 

thousands of jobs, if they hurt American businesses that depend on imported metals to make their products. A prominent Senate Democrat says the 

tariffs are, quote, like dropping a bomb on a flea, and dozens of Republicans are concerned they could cause a global trade war when 

countries try to hurt each other by increasing restrictions on one another`s products.

The new tariffs are set to take effect in 14 days.


AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

In terms of its diameter, which of these planets is about 11 times the size of Earth?

Venus, Saturn, Jupiter or none of these?

The largest planet in our solar system, whose diameter is about 11 times the size of Earth`s is Jupiter.


AZUZ: Compared to earth`s mass, Jupiter is thought to be much larger than that. And scientists say NASA`s Juno spacecraft has led to new findings 

about Jupiter. 

For one thing, they believe the planet`s surface has bands of gas and winds that flow very quickly in opposite directions. They don`t know how deeply 

these bands extend, though, but information from Juno has led them to conclude that Jupiter`s outer layer extends 1,900 miles beneath the surface 

of the planet.

So, how did they come up with this? Juno took measurements of Jupiter`s gravitational field, which scientists use to more deeply analyze the 

planet. They also concluded that though Jupiter`s interior is thought to be fluid, it rotates like a solid body.

The Juno mission cost the U.S. a little over $1.1 billion. It`s hoped to help scientist better understand the solar system`s largest planet. 

Jupiter is located fifth in line from the sun. Both Jupiter and the Juno`s spacecraft were named after characters in Roman mythology.

Back down to earth now, the United States is gearing up for a time change that said to give Americans more light in the evening. Actually, the light 

itself won`t change but the time on the clock when it`s still light outside well.

Daylight Savings Time begins when clocks are moved forward one hour. The exact technical time when this is supposed to happen is at 2:00 on Sunday 

morning when it will instantly become 3:00. It could mean one fewer hour of sleep unless we go to bed early, and it could make us late for 

everything on Sunday if our clocks aren`t set. 

There are historic reasons for springing forward.


JENNIFER GRAY, AMS METEOROLOGIST: So why do we change the clocks ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall? 

Well, it`s actually to reduce the electricity consumption by extending the daylight hours.

SUBTITLE: Why do we change our clocks?

GRAY: In the U.S., we change our clocks at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday in March. That begins Daylight Saving Time, that`s when we spring ahead. 

On the first Sunday in November, we change our clock at 2:00 a.m. again, that`s actually just going back to Standard Time.

Believe it or not, this started with an idea from Benjamin Franklin. Franklin did write an essay suggesting that people could use less candles 

if they got up early and made better use of daylight. 

In 1918, the Standard Time Act established time zones, and Daylight Saving Time. But not all states participate. To this day, most of Arizona and 

all of Hawaii do not change their clocks.

Over 70 countries across the world observe Daylight Saving Time, with notable exceptions of China and Japan.

In 2007, we actually change the date of when we set our clocks back an hour to the first week in November. This helped protect trick-or-treaters by 

giving them an extra hour of daylight. 

One of the other lines of thinking was that we would have a better voter turnout on election years.

Experts say each time you change your clocks, it`s always a good idea to change those batteries in your smoke detector and always look forward to 

fall when you get that extra hour of sleep.


AZUZ: U.S. Secret Service is widely known for protecting the president. But the agency was created in 1865 with a very different mission, to stop 

the counterfeiting of U.S. currency. It still does that. And that`s why if you wanted to create fake money legally, like for movies for instance, 

it`s not a bad idea to get the approval of the Secret Service.


REPORTER: This is a billion dollars, we think, and that billion dollars belongs to RJ Rappaport and he`s considered the king of cash.


REPORTER: OK, kind of fake cash.

SUBTITLE: Rolling in (fake) dough.

RAPPAPORT: My name is Rich "RJ" Rappaport and I`m the president of RJR Props.

REPORTER: Just a few years ago, RJR Props was born. It`s a full service prop house, but its specialty is cash, fake cash. And there`s only a few 

people who can legally make it and RJ is one of them.

RJ`s prop money has been used in over 175 feature films , television shows and music videos, and he devoted three full years to perfecting that crisp 

screen paper we call money, prop money.

RAPPAPORT: And we went down a long path and working with the Secret Service and learning all the laws to make sure that everyone that uses it, 

it will be legal for them and it`ll look fantastic.

REPORTER: But for those who don`t follow the rules, they could wind up in big trouble. 

RAPPAPORT: There is a rash of arrests. People are just literally jailed because they were using proper money that looked too real, and I said to 

myself, I`m not going to touch this unless I know I`m doing it legally.

REPORTER: Alongside the Secret Service, RJ created two different styles of prop money, one that is printed on both sides and it`s perfect for that 

classic bank robbery scene. The other kind is so close to the real deal, it can only be printed on one side, otherwise, it could end up in 

circulation. It`s designed for the classic money shot, aka the close-up.

RAPPAPORT: It`s a tough business. We all work hard in it and prop money especially, it`s not easy.

REPORTER: Yes, sounds like it. Thanks, RJ, for keeping fake money real.


AZUZ: There`s a scientific term for a thunderstorm of snow. Yes, it`s called thundersnow. And -- well, have a listen.


AZUZ: This doesn`t happen often, which is why it`s making news. It was part of the nor`easter that struck the Northeastern U.S. earlier this week. 

Not everyone in the region was clapping for it. Then again, not every storm that brings the thunder brings the snow. There was nothing 

atmosphere but it still came as a bit of shock. So, in the midst of weathering another storm, at least there was something to lightning things 


I`m Carl Azuz, wishing you nothing but blue skies for the weekend.

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