
Friday, February 23, 2018

CNN 10 | CNN Student News February 23 2018

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This Friday, we're reporting on mixed messages coming out of Nigeria concerning an apparent terrorist attack, and we're bringing you up to date on a mass kidnapping that occurred there in 2014. That's followed by some varying perspectives of students and parents concerning a recent school shooting in Florida. And we're featuring a Great Big Story on the "mermaids" who gather food the old-fashioned way on an Asian island.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: On this last Friday of February, we`re glad you`re taking 10 minutes for CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz.

There`d been some mixed messages coming out of Nigeria, after what appears to be another mass kidnapping by the Boko Haram terrorist group. It`s been 

fighting the African country`s government for years, with the goal of replacing the federal presidential republic with a government based on 

strict Islamic law. Earlier this week, suspected Boko Haram terrorists raided a school in northeast Nigeria, kidnapping dozens of girls who went 


But the "Reuters" news agency reports that it`s not known exactly how many were kidnapped and how many are still missing, because the local government 

and state police had given different estimates. Originally, the state governor said that 76 girls had been rescued but residents told "Reuters" 

yesterday that he then backtracked and said the girls were still missing. This could be one of the worst kidnappings in Nigeria.


REPORTER: It was April 14, 2014, 276 teenage girls were taken from their school in the middle of the night, some of the girls were able to escape in 

the hours that followed. 

It happened in a town of Chibok, in Borno state, northeast Nigeria. They were captured by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

Several weeks later, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau released a video claiming responsibility for abducting the girls and threatening to sell 

them as slaves.

With international outrage mounting, protests began over the Nigerian government`s failure to bring the girls home and a social media campaign 

#BringBackOurGirls was launched.

One year after the girls were taken, in April of 2015, Muhammadu Buhari won Nigeria`s presidential election and vow to curb Boko Haram`s violence.

Another year goes by. In April of 2016, CNN obtained a proof of life video sent by their captors showing 15 of the girls. We shared it with several 

of the girls` mothers, some tearful moments as they recognize their daughters.

In October last year, the Nigerian government announced some of the girls were freed after negotiations with Boko Haram. I was there when two months 

later those 21 girls finally returned to Chibok and reunite with their families.

The room almost vibrating with the sound of unbridled joy. 

But for some waiting parents, heartbreak. These women have come looking for their daughters who are still being held by Boko Haram. 

Although several other girls managed to escape over the course of the past three years, the majority of those kidnapped remain in Boko Haram captivity 

to this day.


AZUZ: In a week since the deadly shooting at a high school in Southeast Florida, students around the state and other parts of the country have 

staged demonstrations, walk-outs and marches. They`ve been showing support for the victims of the shooting and calling for communities and state and 

federal governments to take action to prevent shootings in schools.

A listening event held at the White House on Wednesday gives you a sense of what some of them are saying.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The bill was also passed that declared that each school has to go through one drill each month. But I know that my school, 

we go through fire drills every month and we were -- we have not had our lockdown drill yet this year. And I think a change that we`ll increase all 

the trainings and protocols, so if, God forbid, another shooting does happen, at least all the teachers will be prepared and can hopefully keep 

their students calm.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The solution is not going to be a singular thing. It`s going to be multifaceted and it`s going to be created by a collection 

of different people working together and we all have to realize that we all have our opinions and together, we`re going to be able to work to a 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There needs to be significant change in this country, because this has to never happen again, and people should be able to feel 

that when they go to school, they can be safe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s not left and right. It`s not political. It`s a human issue. People are dying. And we have to stop this. We have to stop 


If he`s not old enough to buy a drink, to go and buy a beer, he should not be able to buy a gun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I don`t understand I could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you had a teacher with, who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very 

quickly. And we`re going to be looking at it very strongly and I think a lot of people are going to be opposed to it. I think a lot of people are 

going to like it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If a teacher or a security guard has a concealed license and a firearm on their waist, they`re able to easily stop the 

situation. Or the bad guy would not even go near the school knowing that someone can fight back against them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: School teachers have more than enough responsibilities right now than to have to have the awesome responsibility of lethal force 

to take a life.


AZUZ: President Trump has voiced support for raising the legal age at which Americans can buy guns, outlawing certain components for guns and 

expanding background checks to focus on gun viewer`s mental health.


AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia.

Located between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, the island of Jeju is part of what country?

China, Philippines, North Korea or South Korea?

Jeju is the largest island that`s part of South Korea.



KIM OK JA (translated): I became a haenyeo in order to live. Back then, there wasn`t much to eat. In order to survive, I decided to become a 


SUBTITLE: The mermaid of Jeju.

REPORTER: In the South Korean island province of Jeju, there are female divers known as haenyeo, who had been diving for hundreds of years, 

harvesting seafood to support their families.

KIM: My name is Kim Ok Ja and I`m 78 years old.

I`ve been a haenyeo since I was 13.

Back then, in Jeju island, only women went into the water. 

What I know is we went into the water and made a living out of the catch we got.

REPORTER: These women dive using no breathing equipment, holding their breath for minutes at a time, scanning the ocean floor for valuable sea 

creatures. But today, it is a dying way of life.

KIM: There used to be about 200 haenyeos catching conch alone. But now, there`s not even a hundred. And there aren`t that many haenyeos because 

they`re aging into death.

There needs to be haenyeo in this ocean to benefit our country and everyone`s lives.

That`s why as long as I`m able to move on my own two feet, I go in the water and take care of my family.


AZUZ: OK, let`s say you`re scaling the side of a cliff and you`re about 1,300 feet off the ground and you think to yourself, I just want to spend 

the night here. 

Well, now you can in one of these pods in Peru. They were set up by an adventure company. It said one of the biggest challenges of constructing 

this sort of lodge was making sure it could, quote, handle winds. But if you have 400 bucks and you can get here and you still feel safe enough to 

sleep, you`d probably find the view pretty sweet. 

You`d want a hotel all your friends. Of course, if you`re claustrophobic, acrophobic or probably most other kinds of phobic, you may want to hang out 

somewhere closer to solid ground. Others would find this the height of luxury lodging.

I`m Carl Azuz and Fridays are awesome.

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