
Sunday, February 25, 2018

CNN 10 | CNN Student News February 26 2018

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A new, controversial memo is released in the U.S. government, we examine what it's like to ration water, and we look ahead to the next Winter Olympics.
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN 10, your down-the-middle explanation of world events. I`m Carl Azuz and our first story is a tale 

of two memos. 

Exactly three weeks ago, we reported on a memo released by Republicans on the Intelligence Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The memo 

was related to how in 2016, U.S. government investigators got court approval to spy on a former advisor to Donald Trump`s presidential 

campaign. Republicans said the memo showed that U.S. investigators abused their power to do that. Democrats said the memo was misleading and that 

the whole truth wasn`t being told. 

So, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee produced their own memo. At first, President Donald Trump refused to declassify or allow it to be 

published, saying it needed to be heavily redacted first. After some changes were made, the Democratic memo was released over the weekend.

So, how is it different? 

The Republican memo said investigators used unproven information to get the court`s approval to spy. The Democratic memo says the unproven info was 

part of what investigators presented to the court, but that they gave other credible information as well. The Republican memo says government 

investigators did not tell the court that the info they presented came from a source who is biased against Donald Trump and that it was partly paid for 

by Hillary Clinton`s political campaign.

The Democratic memo says investigators did tell the court that the source was biased, and that he was collecting information for someone who wanted 

to discredit Trump`s campaign. Republicans generally stand by their party`s memo. Democrats generally stand by their party`s memo. So, how 

people are responding depends largely on where they side politically.

Following up now on a story we brought you exactly four weeks ago. Cape Town, the second largest city in South Africa, is running out of water. A 

severe drought has drained its reservoirs and unless Cape Town gets more rain, it predicts that its water taps will run dry in early July. 

If that happens, each of Cape Town`s 4 million residents will be given 25 liters, or about 6-1/2 gallons per day to live on. For comparison, the 

average American uses between 80 and 100 gallons per day. So, what could that be like? 

A CNN reporter and his wife who used to live in Cape Town decided to find out.


DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Cape Town, our former home, is in a midst of a water crisis, the worst drought the city has ever seen. When 

the water runs out, people will be allocated 25 liters of water per day per person. 

So, my family and I are going to try to live like Cape Townians. The water you see in front of us is all will be allocated to use. That`s 75 liters 

for three people, roughly 20 gallons.

In order to live like Cape Townians, we have to turn off the water to our house.

Well, here goes nothing. Got to start somewhere. Oh, I`ve already spilled water. 

You have to go through the list of all your activities that you normally use water for and allocate a certain amount of water and then add that up 

and make sure you fall under the 25 liters a day.

Here you go, buddy.

Once you start to see how small the numbers are, you start to really feel the pinch.

Bathing was an interesting experience.

TARA VAN DAM, WIFE: About five gallons each. Five for you, five for mine, not together (ph).

D. VAN DAM: We have to keep that water warm, so we had to heat it up over the stove.

T. VAN DAM: That takes a long time.

It`s going to be relaxing.

You can have a bath now.

D. VAN DAM: We`re only talking like an inch or two of water depth. You wash yourself by sudsing up some soap and then use a cup. Once that dirty 

or gray water has been used for bathing, we took that water and we filled the back of the toilet. And that allowed us to flush the toilet when it 

was absolutely necessary.


Every single process of our day was lengthen because of that -- how am I going to do this? How am I going to accomplish this regular task that I 

take for granted?

T. VAN DAM: Fortunately, we have to sinks in our kitchen, which I know not everybody does.

D. VAN DAM: Dirty side, clean side.

T. VAN DAM: We put I think it was six liters in the one side and four liters on the other side. 

D. VAN DAM: Every drop counts.

T. VAN DAM: The real trick is just to wipe your dishes with paper towel, as much as you can before putting it on the water. I was quite shocked at 

how in some elements of the day, like brushing your teeth for example, how little water I actually do need. 

For me, the most challenging thing, doing a full load of laundry is totally overwhelming. I mean, we did a small amount and I`m almost tempted to put 

that load in a washing machine, just in case.

D. VAN DAM: No city has done this before. No city has been forced to do this before.

T. VAN DAM: Think about, there are a large portion of Africa that have never had access to running water. They live like this every single day. 

They go and collect their water. They ration it out. 

The biggest worry is the actual water collection. We didn`t have to do that. Twenty-five liters is a lot of water for one person to go and 

collect. If you`re collecting for a whole family, then that`s, you know, even more challenging. There`s a lot of people all waiting for their most 

basic resource.

As of 23 hours and 30 minutes, we officially only have one container of water left.

D. VAN DAM: We actually, believe it or not, had about three liters of water left at the end of the day, out of 75.

T. VAN DAM: Thank goodness for Maya`s portion, right?

D. VAN DAM: Yes, because without Maya and her 25 liters, we would have run out of water.

T. VAN DAM: Yes.

I`m far more wasteful than I would like to be. And I didn`t like that about myself, that realization. So, I really do want to make a few changes 

in the way that we upgrade our house.

D. VAN DAM: We know that water scarce cities, water scarce locations, it`s not a problem that`s just going to magically disappear. Twenty-four hours, 

we got a taste of it, but we will change our lifestyle because of this.


AZUZ: It will be four more years until the next Winter Olympics kicks off. The 2018 Games wrapped last night in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

The northern European nation of Norway led the world with 39 medals overall. Germany, Canada, the U.S. and the Netherlands followed. China 

was further down the list with nine medals and it`s the host of the next Winter Games in 2022.


MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Twelve million Chinese people skied in 2017, so says a widely cited ski industry report. It might sound like a 

lot, but that`s less than 1 percent of the country`s total population. 

Like most winter sports here, skiing is growing fast, but so far lacks mass appeal, which is why this might seem surprising.

Beijing will host the next Winter Olympics in 2022, in a country with little winter sports tradition, but lots of Olympic experience.

In 2008, China put on a show at the Summer Olympics in Beijing. Come 2022, you`ll see some of those same venues retrofitted for the cold events. 

Three different areas hosted all, not without their problems. Start in mountainous Zhangjiakou where the freestyle stuff kicks, think half pipe 

ski moguls.

To do that, though, you need snow, and nearly all of it on this mountain is made by machines. But organizers say there`s plenty of fake snow to go 

around, and so the focus is on building out competition sites.

BENNO NAGER, COO, GENTING RESORT SECRET GARDEN: We have to have everything ready by 2020.

RIVERS: Right. And you`re on pace for that?

NAGER: We`re absolutely on pace for that, yes.

RIVERS: Speaking of pace, a lot of hotels and Olympic villages still need to be built. Chinese officials say they`re on target, too, not to mention 

this $9.2 billion railway designed to cut travel time between venues.

Even though it might not look like it at the moment, officials are promising that it will be done on time.

A tougher task, getting ordinary Chinese people to truly care about the games.

MARK DREYER, CHINA SPORTS ANALYST: So, the challenge has to be to expand that winter sports base.

RIVERS: The government is trying though. According to state media, a series of state-run initiatives will try to create $160 billion winter 

sports industry by 2025, by getting 300 million people on skis and skates. The sense that the games will be a hit here, though, faces legitimate 

skepticism. The skiers and skaters and lugers and curlers will be here in just four years, whether lots of Chinese people are engaged in the same 

sports by then is an open question.

Matt Rivers, Chongli, China.


AZUZ: So, I learned two things about avocadoes while working on today`s show. One, they`re also called alligator pears. And two, they`re 

increasingly being used in marriage proposals. 

Think about it. Why use a wooden box when you can use a favorite fruit? Pop out the pit, pop in the ring, pop the question, pop open the avocado. 

If she says yes, you can celebrate with guacamole. If she says no, well, at least you won`t go hungry. 

Now, some might think the idea is pits. But others might think it`s delicious whether you`re ripe for romance or just so nervous, you want to 

avocadover with, what better cure for cold feet and cold fruit. Folks should try this while the idea is still fresh, otherwise, it could make for 

one rotten pulposal.

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

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